Thursday, August 22, 2013

Alaska Day 71 - Fairbanks

Another beautiful day in Fairbanks.  Sunny and in the 80s with no humidity.  Off to the Tanana Valley Farmers market in Fairbanks to see if we can find anything we can't do without.  We did find a couple things... some beautiful lettuce for us and some moose flavored dog bones for Gypsy.  We really enjoyed the fresh lettuce; however, Gypsy was not impressed with her moose flavored bones. There were some beautiful crafts and produce at the market.  As beautiful as the produce is, we don't think it compares with the beauty of the sunsets which are just spectacular.  The sky is so colorful.

The cauliflower up here is like the flowers, it grows in a variety of colors.

More colors...

Carrots, beets and onions...

Wild blueberries... The large container is $30.00

These next few pictures are of the sunset for today.  Linda took these pictures from the Walmart parking lot. Some of these sunsets could almost be passed off as the Northern Lights.

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