Monday, August 19, 2013

Alaska Day 56 - Seward - Fishing #2

Heading out from Resurrection Bay
Russell and I were asked by our boat captain on the first charter we went out on if we were interested in going on a "Friends" day of fishing. When we asked what a "Friends" day was he told us it was a day he took some people out fishing for the "HOG" Halibut.  Even better he told us he couldn't charge us for the trip.  The five of us that were asked to go would split the fuel bill which sounded great to us... Anyway on the way out to the "HOG" hole, we had some problems with one of the engine sensors.  Captain DeeJay decided not to make the long trip and we would stay in close and go for salmon and then some chicken halibut.  It wasn't long before we had our limits of silver salmon and halibut.  Then it was off to the ling cod hole; however, there were no ling cod home so we cashed in on some very nice rock fish.  Thank you captain DeeJay for another great day on the water!

Some of our fish waiting to be cleaned...

A couple of chicken halibut...

Silver salmon fillets

As we head in for the day we saw a nice glacier behind us and the other boat that was fishing with us...

Captain DeeJay fueling up at the dock...

Our boat "Visitation"

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