Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Alaska Day 45 - Homer to Soldotna

It's Friday mourning, we have a halibut charter scheduled and we were up early anticipating a great day of halibut fishing out of Bob's Charters on the Homer Spit.  However, when we got to Bob's we were told that all the charters had been canceled due to high seas and wind.  With no halibut trip, we had to go to plan "B"...  Go downtown Homer for some breakfast and then head back to Soldotna to catch some sockeye salmon. After a great breakfast it was off to Soldotna to try our luck at the sockeyes. Once in Soldotna we found our usual campground, Fred Meyers Department Store crowded, but always room for one more. After unhooking the jeep it was off to the Kenai River.   We had a great evening on he banks of the Kenai River and everybody in the group caught sockeyes.  As a bonus, we met a group of guys fishing who were from Hawaii and the leader of the group, Rodney, was very helpful in helping us learn the tricks of catching the sockeyes.  It was a pleasure getting to know these guys and fishing (catching) with them for several days.

Matt and Shannon with Cook Inlet to their back. The wind was blowing which made it chilly.

Matt and Shannon posing with a wood carving of the record king salmon caught in the Kenai River.

 Matt and John showing our style.

John has found the secret, it's all in the tongue?

Shannon has found her secret place on the rock...

Matt and Shannon working the fish.

Matt with his first fish.

Matt is hooked up again.

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