Monday, August 5, 2013

Alaska Day 17 – Whitehorse to Kluane Lake, YK

Kluane Lake
We left fairly early for another day on the road, not as magnificent as the Canadian Rockies; but still some beautiful scenery along this part of the Alaskan Highway.  Our goal was to make Haines Junction sometime around noon for lunch at the Village Bakery.  Bet you can’t guess what we had?  Wrong! They were sold out so we just opted for a plain old sandwich, not as good as a cinnamon bun, but a sandwich on sourdough is not bad… After some pictures of the Our Lady of the Way Catholic Mission it was on to Kluane Lake for the night, woops I said it again, for our stopping point.  The Our Lady of the Way Catholic Mission was built in 1943 by Father E. Morriset, the first Catholic priest to preach the Gospel in the area.  The church is built from a quanset hut used by the army during the construction of the Alaska Highway.  The church has the distinction of being the most photographed church in the Yukon.We traveled the highway from Haines Junction to our stopping point Congdon Creek, Yukon government campground. It is located on Kluane Lake and surrounded by beautiful snow capped mountains. As you approach Kluane Lake, the scenery is again magnificent with the snow covered mountains and glaciers jutting down to the water’s edge.  The wild flowers which are in bloom just add color to the already beautiful scenery.  The scenery around the campground is just as beautiful with the mountains surrounding us, wild flowers everywhere and the crystal clear water of the lake.  With all the new growth and wild flowers in bloom, there were signs posted prohibiting any tent camping due to grizzly bear activity in the campground.  We sure wanted to see one of those grizzlies; however, they must have heard of Gypsy because there were none to be seen.  We enjoyed a nice evening meal around a camp fire before turning in for a well needed rest.  This would be our last night in Canada until we leave Alaska sometime in the fall.  Next stop… Delta Junction, AK, the official end to the Alaska Highway.  For the next 3 – 4 weeks we will help at Camp Baldwin, a church camp for youth and children.

Our Lady of the Way Catholic Church in Haines Junction, YK...

The Alaska Highway North of Haines Junction

Beautiful scenery as we approach Kluane Lake

Flowers along the shoreline of Lake Kluane.  These flowers were nearly non stop...

We stayed at this campground in 2011 on our way to Haines, Alaska.  It is as beautiful now as it was in then.

It doesn't show up very well but there is a large glacier right above Gypsy's tail.  The water in Kluane Lake was crystal clear and Gypsy had fun chasing sticks we threw into the water.  To us the water was ice cold, to her she seemed to love it... she didn't want to get out.  

When we were walking around the park and along the shoreline, you can bet we were constantly looking over our shoulders.   

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