Thursday, August 22, 2013

Alaska Day 68 - Denali to Fairbanks

The Park Highway leaving Denali
We are up, packed and ready to head to Fairbanks, only 125 miles and nothing we know of that will stop us...  no little towns or parks that might trap us again.  When we left Anchorage we thought it was only a short days drive; however, we are on DAY 4 and still have 125 miles to go. The Park Highway is in good condition except for a few areas of road construction.  If you drove on a road and there was no construction, you would think you made a wrong turn and were no longer in Alaska.  Again the scenery was beautiful with the road following a river through the mountains for a large part of the way. Guess what? 12:30 PM and we are in Fairbanks looking for a campground. There's one, the big Walmart Super Center and they still have vacancies.  At present there are only 43 RVs in the campground...

Trust us, there is a river on the left just below the train tracks...

 More views along the Park highway...
There are other people out here, but they are going the wrong way...  A bridge, there must be a river or something...

Scenery from a bridge along the Park Highway. Can you see the train tracks below the bridge?  How about the river?
 More Mountains along the Park Highway.
 Driving off into the clouds...
We're still driving and not getting anywhere? Those clouds keep running from us...

Scenery out the window.  No wildlife today.  In fact from Anchorage to Fairbanks we only saw one animal... a porcupine. 

Guess what's ahead

Without any road construction we would not believe we were still in Alaska...

More road construction... No major holdups as some construction

There was a river under the bridge...

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