Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Alaska Day 46 - Soldotna to Anchorage

This was a busy day.  Up early and on the banks of the Kenai River once again.  Today was a good day with everyone getting in on the action.  We had to stop fishing early for several silly reasons: limits on how many you can catch (6/person), we had to get back to Anchorage, clean fish, get fish processed and ready to ship.  Anyway we did all of the above and Matt and Shannon wound up shipping 44 pounds of Sockeye salmon home.  Later in the day we were back in Anchorage at Elmendorf AFB for the night.  Matt and Shannon would be leaving for their home in California tomorrow.

Matt starts things off with a nice Sockeye

Shannon gets in on the action

Shannon is already after another one

Even I was able to get in on the action

This is our new friend Rodney who taught us how  to catch these fish.  Rodney and his friends come every year for the Sockeye run in Soldotna.  Rodney and his family are from Hawaii.  

This girl has got to stop... She's making all of us feel bad!


Not another one...

How many did they say I could keep...  I never was very good at math...

We caught these in less than a couple hours in our friend Al's secret hole up near an area called swift water

I think we have the stringers mixed up...  Maybe Shannon couldn't carry her own stringer.

Me and Linda on the Lucky beanch

Now Russell and Caroline are sitting on the lucky (magic) bench...  It worked!!!

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