Saturday, August 3, 2013

Alaska Day 14 – Ft. Nelson to Liard Hot Springs

Our camp site at Liard Hot Springs
We left Ft. Nelson around 8AM headed for Liard Hot Springs for a good soak in the amazing warm water.  When we left the morning weather was chilly; low 40’s, and drizzling rain.  However, with thoughts of the Hot Springs the cool weather and rain didn't really matter. The trip from Ft. Nelson to Liard was 196 miles through the Canadian Rockies and offered a great opportunity to see some wildlife and stop in for a world famous cinnamon bun at Tetsa River Services and Campground.  You would not believe the competition up here on who makes the best cinnamon buns.  Of course we are always ready to be judges on this subject. Also, on the way we stopped at Toad River Campground, where we stayed in 2011, to see if the big moose that lives in the river was home.  Sure enough, he was out in the water still cleaning the river bottom.  After the stop at Toad River and a hot cinnamon bun in Tetsa River, it was on the road again for a few more miles to Strawberry Flats Campground which overlooks Muncho Lake where we stopped for a nice lunch. This is such a beautiful spot (crystal blue water, snow-capped mountains, beautiful wild flowers) we didn't want to leave but thoughts of the warm water at the springs kept calling us.   Later when we got to the Hot Springs we found out the temperature of the water is between 107 and 125 degrees F.  The warm water was so relaxing and soothing to our travel weary muscles.  On the way to the springs we saw several black bears, some stone sheep and many, many bison.  As beautiful as the mountains, rivers and flowers are, the wildlife just completes the picture.  We just wish the pictures we took could do justice to the beauty we saw.

Alaska Highway north of Ft. Nelson

Muncho Lake
This is one of the most scenic areas on the Alaska Highway, Muncho Lake located in the Canadian Rockies.  The lake is over 400 foot deep in areas with a greenish blue tint and crystal clear.  We only wish these pictures could do better to show the beauty of this area.

Muncho Lake

Muncho Lake

Muncho Lake

We took so many pictures it was hard to pick just a few to try and show the beauty of this area...

Cinnamon buns at Toad River

Bridge on the Alaska Highway

Moose at Toad River
We were thinking this may be the same moose we saw at the Toad River campground in 2011.

Young Buffalo 
We saw a lot of wildlife on the highway between Ft. Nelson and Liard Hot Springs.  Wildlife is always a bonus to the beauty of the Alaska Highway.  It also gets Gypsy's attention...  We don't know what she says to the wildlife; however, she always has a lot to say.   

Black Bear crossing the highway

Heard of Buffalo

Big Daddy

More Buffalo

Stone Sheep on the road

One area of the highway was foggy.
The fog makes interesting driving in the Canadian Rockies.  I'm fortunate to have Linda with me because she does a good job of watching the sides and drop-offs and letting me know I'm going to fast or to close to the edge...

Our friends enjoying the hot springs.   

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