Friday, August 2, 2013

Alaska Day 12 – Whitecourt to Sikanni Chief, BC

After another peaceful night at Walmart in Whitecourt, BC, we were ready to move on North toward Dawson Creek, the start of the Alaska Highway, and then on to the Canadian Rockies.  We left Whitecourt early under cloudy conditions with intermittent rain which lasted most of the day.  The highway was in good condition except for a couple areas where road crews were making repairs.  The scenery was so beautiful from Whitecourt to Dawson creek. Finally in the early afternoon we reached Dawson Creek and the start of the Alaska Highway.  After an hour or so doing the tourist things;  taking pictures of the Mile 0 Monument (which dates back to the 1940’s when the Highway was first built),  the Alaska Highway signs, visiting the highway museum and talking with other tourists, we started our journey North on the Alaska Highway.  We spent the night  at Sikanni River RV Park.

Example of gas prices around Whitecourt, AB.  The 139.9 is per liter.  To get the per gallon price you can multiply the litter cost by 3.8.  5.28/gal?  It gets better we paid 5.92/gal in Ft. Nelson.

These two pictures are of a bridge that was being repaired.  It took a little over an hour to get through this construction area.

Dawson Creek...  The start of the Alaska Highway!

Mile 0...  Only a few more miles to go... 1,422 miles through British Columbia and the Yukon over many rivers, hills, and the Canadian Rockies and finally the end of the highway at Delta Junction. However, it is 1,422 of the most beautiful miles we have driven.

Gypsy and John posing at the mile 0 post prior to heading North.  Downtown Dawson Creek 

Gypsy meets her match at the start of the Alaska Highway.

We are ready to start the Alaskan Highway...  Only 1,422 miles
to the end at Delta Junction, AK

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