Friday, August 16, 2013

Alaska Day 55 - Glacier Cruise

One of our favorite things to do while in Alaska is to go glacier cruising; it's even more fun when you are with friends.  In 2011 we were with our good friend, Charlie and this yea with Russell and Caroline.  We left the docks in Seward around 10:00 AM aboard the Spirit of Adventure operated by Major Marine Tours.  Not only did we go glacier cruising, but on this boat,  a Salmon Bake with all you can eat, salmon and prime rib with all the fixing was served. Again this is one of those times where there are not words to describe the beauty and pictures don't do it justice.  We will give it a good try with some of the pictures we took... However, before we get to all the pictures, the Captain of the vessel and the park ranger on board both said we saw things they had never seen before in size and quantity.  For example: we were fortunate to see one giant whole section on the face of a glacier calf (break off and fall into the water) and on the way back we saw a group of humpback whales (about 12) bubble netting and then bursting through the bubble net catching the herring.  Unbelievable!!!

These rocks are refereed to as the three needle eyes.  At one time all three were an eye; however, the one has broken off in the past few years.

 A charter fishing boat heading out

 More scenery as we head out to where the glaciers are located.

It was beautiful with the early morning fog bank and then the glaciers above the fog

 As we approach Holgate glacier we could see all the glacier ice in the water which is a sign the glacier has been calving (pieces breaking off)

 Another view of Holgate Glacier

 Years ago this glacier was a part of Holgate Glacier

 Another view of what use to be part of Holgate Glacier

 A lot of glacier ice in the water

Linda and John in front of Holgate Glacier

 Linda in front of Aialik Glacier

 Approaching Aialik  Glacier

 Aialik Glacier.  The glacier is ONE MILE Wide.

 Notice the little cave on the left... all the ice above it will soon disappear exposing the rock

 Russell and Caroline in front of Aialik  Glacier

 This area has been calving small pieces since we got here

Then it all started to come down... The sound of the ice cracking, large chunks of ice hitting the water, the cold breeze and finally the waves that were created by the calving process are beyond words.  Several people on the boat were afraid and trying to get the Captain to leave.

 After it settled down we could see this big rock where the little cave was before.  Most likely, we were the first people to ever see this rock that had been covered with ice. 

The calving didn't seem to disturb this little guy

 This is a boat like the one we are on

Our captain told us that we and the other boat are approximately 1/4 mile from the glacier.  This Picture gives some perspective of just how big this glacier is...

 Our captain told us it was very rare to see whales bubble fishing where they will swim around the bait fish blowing bubbles which confuse the bait fish into thinking they are being netted.  After surrounding the bait fish with the bubble net they will come from the bottom up through the center of the bubbles with their mouths open and eat the bait fish.

 Several humpbacks are swimming around the bait.  The Captain estimated there were 12 or more whales working together to capture the bait (herring)

 Two humpbacks on top and three blowing

Two more Humpbacks

Feeding time...  This was truly unbelievable seeing these whales feeding

Caroline enjoying the cool breeze as we head home

Back at the dock

Fireweed at the docks

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