Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Alaska Day 47 Anchorage - Matt and Shannon Leave

Today is not the day we have been looking for, Matt and Shannon leave today and we are wishing they could have spent much more time with us here in Alaska.  It seems like they just got here.  After we got the bus packed it was off to Peggy's for breakfast and then to the airport.  After all the farewells and best wishes we headed back to Soldotna to meet up with Russell and Caroline for some more sockeye fishing.  It's Sunday afternoon and the traffic coming from the Kenai is non-stop. A two lane road and 65 mph speed limits and everybody trying to get home from a weekend of fishing in the Kenai was a long drive. Anyway the most interesting thing that happened is that a couple people passed us blowing their horns and pointing at us. We couldn't figure out what was going on so we stopped at the next pull out and found that the right front tire on the jeep had blown and come off the rim. We changed tires and continued on to Soldotna with no other problems.  We were lucky all we messed up was the tire... the rim was okay.  We have truly been blessed!

Notice the big glacier behind all the traffic on the Seward highway outside of Anchorage.  We're glad we were heading South.  During the fishing season we were told this is the most dangerous stretch of highway in Alaska; particularly on weekends when people are leaving the Anchorage area heading to the Kenai or returning home at the end of the weekend as this picture shows.  There is also a lot of road construction in this stretch of highway and other parts are rough with very little shoulder.

With all the traffic and already a long day, we decided to stop for a break at one of the many pull outs they have for observation.

Another view along the Seward Highway.

 Anybody hungry?  This snack vendor was set up at one of the observation point pull outs where we stopped.

Once back in Soldotna all Gypsy wanted to do was go after more Salmon...  

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