Monday, August 19, 2013

Alaska Day 57 - Seward to Anchorage

Loaded and ready to leave Seward
We were up early today to get the bus cleaned up and ready to head back to Anchorage.  Today is the day that Russell and Caroline will head back to North Carolina. They have been here for two weeks with us and it seems like they just got here. It has been so much fun spending time with them site seeing, fishing, camping and of coarse, trying new places to eat.  Thanks to Russell and Caroline for adding so much to our stay in Alaska...  As we left Seward, it was again just beautiful with all the fireweed, snow capped mountains, glaciers and the beauty of Turnagain Arm which we never get tired of seeing.  Once in Anchorage, it was to Elmendorf to get a camp site for Linda and I as we would be spending a few days in Anchorage.  After getting a site, it was off to the airport to bid Russell and Caroline farewell.

Some patches of fireweed along the Seward highway.

Some pictures of Puffins Linda and Caroline took at the Sea Life Center in Seward.

Our farewells at the airport as Caroline and Russell prepare to leave.  Notice the white box in the picture with their luggage.  In fact, there are two of those boxes with close to 100 pounds of fillets they are taking home with them.

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