Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Alaska Day 18 - Kluane Lake to Delta Junction

Day 18 and Alaska is in site!  Only 147 miles to the border and we can't wait!  However, we didn't realize we would encounter the worst road we have seen so far on the trip.  Miles and miles of road construction, pot holes, washboard road and dust and more dust.  After enduring all the rough road, there it was; the "Welcome to Alaska" sign.  Once through customs and into Alaska the road magically improved to nice smooth (most of the time) two lane paved road. Even with all the rough road and construction delays, there was still plenty of beauty in the mountains and fields of flowers.  Each part of the Alaska Highway seems to have it's own signature. From the border it was on to Delta Junction and Camp Baldwin which would be our home for the next 3-4 weeks...

Our campsite at Congdon creek Campground on Kluane Lake.  We were late getting to the campground and all the lake front sights were taken.

Another view of our campsite at Congdon Creek Campground

Leaving the campground

These next few pictures are the Alaska Highway prior to reaching the border.  This section was approximately 20 miles long of gravel and dust and the surface was like a washboard...  We averaged around 20 miles an hour in this section.

More of the gravel and dust
These flags mean frost heaves...  We have learned very quickly to slow down when we see these flags.  These pictures don't really show the frost heaves, but imagine a very large reversed speed bump...
This area of the highway is the worst section of the highway because of the frozen ground (frost heaves). They are continuously trying different methods to solve these problems; therefore, continuous road construction.

 Some views from the Alaskan Highway.  There are all kinds of places like this that you can just stop by the road and spend the evening or just relax and maybe even fish...
Another view of some of the beautiful scenery you see from the highway.

 Some more sights along the Alaskan Highway in the Yukon.  This was a neat stop where you could get almost anything you needed; gas, food, supplies, rooms, etc. There are a lot of these kind of places along the highway.
This is the world's largest gold pan. It would be hard to use a pan this size to pan for gold; however, can you imagine how much gold one could get in a panning.  There are still many people panning for gold in this area.
Another Catholic church along the highway.

 In line at the border...
Hope they let us through?

Gypsy was so excited she didn't know which side to sit. We have actually found she is excited anytime we stop.

We are in Alaska...  What is all the black and all these lines?

We MADE it, Delta Junction,  the end of the Alaska Highway...

Camp Baldwin outside of Delta Junction...

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