Monday, July 15, 2013

Alaska 2013 - Day 10 Great Falls, MT to Lethbridge, AB

We slept in and had a late breakfast. Then we spent most of the day in Great Falls getting an oil change for the motor home and afterwards left for the border. We went through customs and crossed into Canada at Sweet Grass, MT with no problems and continued on to Lethbridge, AB for another night at Walmart.  Prior to crossing the border we fueled up in Conrad, Montana where we paid $3.75 for 88 octane.  We enjoyed our travel on Canadian Highway 2 which is a very good four lane road from Sweet Grass to Lethbridge, AB through miles and miles of farm and pasture land.  If you like horses, then Wyoming, Montana, and from Sweet Grass, MT to Lethbridge, AB is where you need to be. We have never seen so many horses in pastures.  They were beautiful with a variety of sizes and colors mixed in with the new born colts.
While waiting for our oil change, we decided to tour Great Falls and the Air Force Base.

Inching closer to the border as we travel on I-25 north of Great Falls.

The border is in sight... Only 10 days 

One of two border pictures

It's about our time...  Do we have anything we shouldn't have?  

We made it through... We are in Canada !!!

We guess this is a Canadian lizard???  Actually in this area just across the border there were several dinosaur bones found.

Traveling north on Canadian highway 2.  Nice four lane highway with speed limits of 100.  It's time to start looking for a place to stay...  Wonder if there are any Walmarts in the area? 

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